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There is much to be known, life is short, and life is not life without knowledge. It is therefore an excellent device to acquire knowledge from everybody. Thus, by profiting from others ' experience you win the reputation of being an oracle.- Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658)

Osprey Alliance for Consultancy possess a deep and intimate understanding of human nature, distilled from over 600 years of experience of exceptional outliers who used a holistic, person-centric approach to understand and practice leadership and its importance to the success of businesses and communities.

The Success of the CEO at the top is the success of the business and the resultant utilitarian success of communities.


Over 600 years of deeply analysed practical wisdom on human nature and its vital importance to the success of the CEO and the business and communities.

Our job is to secure your stay at the top as a CEO, guided by a practical understanding that the CEO is wanted down as an inevitable professional hazard,and in the twists and turns of authoritatively allocating resources and values tied to the primary need to make profits,the CEO must be equipped to show up as a holistic person in order to solve the dilemma of staying at the top.


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